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How Pinroll Works:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Who can use Pinroll?​


Anyone aged 13 or older may use Pinroll. It is currently only available for U.S. and Canadian users.



How do I delete my Pinroll account?​


  1. Go to your profile

  2. Tap the settings icon

  3. Tap "Delete Account"

  4. Confirm by tapping "Delete"


Detailed instructions can be found here

What is a Pin?


A Pin is a collaborative photo album tied to a location and period of time. Pins can be Public, which anyone within 5 km may join, or Private, which requires a direct invitation or a join code to participate.


When you create a Pin, it appears on a map as a purple pin for others to find (Private pins only appear to invited participants).  A Pin can be set to last from a few minutes up to 7 days long, during which you and any participants can contribute photos, add comments and reactions. 


After the time period is up, the Pin stops accepting new content and files itself into each participants' Pinroll, which is a searchable archive of all your past Pins. Even after a Pin is closed, users can continue to add reactions and comments, or download photos to your own device.



Can I convert a Public Pin to Private or vice-versa?


Not at this time, but there are things you can do to solve for some problems that may arise from having created the wrong type of Pin for your situation:


  • Delete it and create a new one (remember to download any photos you want to keep first!)

  • If you have created a Public Pin and there are unwanted users misbehaving, you can eject and block them, or you can accelerate the end time of your Pin so that it stops accepting new users and posts. 

  • If you have created a Private Pin but you want to make it easy for many people to join without approving them individually, you can use the Share feature to create a Join Code and share it widely (text, email, physical flyers, etc.) so people can join more easily.​



Can I create a Pin with a future start date (such as for my wedding / bar mitzvah / conference)?


Absolutely! This feature is ideal for big events where the host may want to send out Pin invitations or print join codes in advance, such as for weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, conferences, and other pre-scheduled events.


Just set your desired future start date and time when you're setting up your pin, and it will go live right on schedule. Anyone you invite to the Pin before the start date won't be able to access it until the Pin begins, although it will be viewable on their home screen and in their Pinroll so they know it's coming. Your invited users will receive countdown notifications to remind them it's coming up.



Can I make a Pin last more than 7 days?


Not at this time. We purposely designed it this way because it's much easier to find and enjoy photos in the future when they're organized within tighter time periods (as anyone with thousands of photos in their camera roll can attest).


For events that last longer than 7 days such as a vacation, we recommend creating a new Pin every 7 days (e.g. Mexico Trip Week 1, Week 2, etc.) or creating an Album within a Group, which are always open to accept photos.



What is the difference between a Pin and an Album?


A Pin is a time-limited, location-based collaborative photo album that can accept photos for up to 7 days and can be private or public. It is organized in a feed format, and allows users to add comments, reactions and emojis in real-time. A Pin is ideal for parties, special events, weddings, bar mitzvahs, quinceañeras, conferences, vacations, tournaments, or any group event based at a place in time. All Pin participants may download photos posted by others to their own device. When the pre-assigned event time period is up, the Pin stops allowing new photos or participants to be added, and archives into all the participants' Pinroll.


An Album is an open-ended private collaborative photo album that is not tied to any given place. Albums can only be created inside a Group, and can only be viewed by all members of that Group. All Group members may add photos and add comments, reactions and emojis. At this time, Album photos cannot be downloaded to users' devices.​​​




Help! I posted something I want to delete.


Users can delete their own posted photo or comment on any Pin, or in any Album. Please note once you have deleted content, it cannot be retrieved. Once posted content has been deleted, a permanent notice will appear in the Pin feed indicating that it has been deleted by the author.



Help! I want someone else's photo or comment removed.


If you are the moderator of a Pin or Album, you can remove a photo at any time, even after the Pin is closed. If you are not the moderator, you can take a few different steps​


  1. Message the user that posted the photo or comment and request they remove it

  2. Message the moderator and request they remove it

  3. Use the 'Report this post' function by tapping the 3 dots on the top right corner of the post. This will trigger a prompt to our administrators to review the content. If it we find it violates our Pinroll Community Guidelines we will take down the content. If it does not, we will request more clarification on the reason why the post is considered problematic.



Help! I deleted something by accident, can it be reinstated?


Unfortunately we cannot retrieve deleted media. However, you can message the original poster from within the app to request that they re-post the content or send it to your directly.​​​





We're here to help you with any questions, issues, or feedback you may have regarding the Pinroll app. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we're committed to providing you with the best possible support. Please use the 'Send Feedback' feature within the Pinroll app settings, or email at


© 2024 Pinroll Inc.

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